AAA: fatal teen driver crashes peak in summer

Every summer, teens increase their presence on the roads in Oklahoma, putting themselves and others at a higher risk for accidents. The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety says that the 100 days between Memorial Day and Labor Day are the deadliest for teen drivers, raising their risk for a fatal crash by 15% on average. Through lack of experience and poor choices, teens themselves may be largely responsible for this trend.

Parents, for their part, should be clear with their teens about what constitutes safe driving. It means not only avoiding impaired driving but also avoiding drowsy or distracted driving. Above all, parents should emphasize the danger of calling and texting behind the wheel, and they should also mention how passengers can take drivers’ attention from the road. Teens are advised to limit the number of passengers.

Other safe practices include wearing a seat belt, slowing down in construction work zones and planning out one’s route beforehand to minimize confusion. When possible, teens should avoid going out at night since night driving is generally more challenging to inexperienced drivers.

Teens should maintain their vehicles, checking tire pressure and gas levels on occasion. Lastly, teens are encouraged to be safe passengers. This means keeping the driver safe and free from distractions.

In the event that a car accident results in injuries, victims may be able to pursue a personal injury case. When the defendant is a teen driver, things can get complicated, so victims may want to hire a lawyer for the filing process. The lawyer may handle negotiations on victims’ behalf, striving for a fair settlement that covers medical expenses, wages lost during recovery, pain and suffering and other losses. If the at-fault driver’s auto insurance company refuses to pay out, victims may decide to litigate.