Do you need communication tips for your divorce?

A breakdown in communication may be one factor that led to your decision to divorce your current spouse. Now that you are both in the thick of the legal proceedings, your communication issues could make the situation more difficult. How can you get through to the other side? offers some advice on the situation. Even if you and your spouse had good communication skills during your marriage, divorce can bring up new issues to sort through.

Refrain from communicating through anger

Divorce can bring out a rage you never knew existed inside you. If/When you feel the flames of fury stoking within, wait until you calm down before communicating with your soon-to-be-ex-spouse. Speaking out of anger only complicates matters, and you may do or say something you cannot take back.

Be selective in your responses 

You do not have to respond to every text, phone call or email your spouse sends. You may feel obligated to because of your marital past, but you have to realize that that chapter of your life is not the same as it used to be. You do not owe anyone anything, so consider having your soon-to-be-ex-spouse communicate with your legal advocate first before coming to you.

Focus on the present 

Depending on how long your marriage lasted, you and your current spouse may have an extensive history of tender memories, unresolved issues and intimate knowledge of transgressions and psychological struggles. It can be easy for you to weaponize the past when communicating with the other party in the present. Refrain from doing so, as you have to concentrate on current matters to wrap up your divorce and move on with your life.

Proper communication can serve you well during your marital split. Consider turning to a legal professional for more communication insights.

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